LOREAL - Skinceuticals
CLIENT: Loreal Skinceuticals
POSITION: Lead Creative
I worked a multi-faceted roll during my time on Loreal at Laundry Service - I pitched and wrote projects, directed video and photo shoots, and worked directly with our partners to bring content series to life. During my time on the brand we worked on redefining their visual tone, and expanded their media presence to multiple new channels and platforms.
Product Photoshoot - 2020/2021
Creative oversight and concept for a full line of product photography for 2020/2021 - Shoot was managed and directed following strict Covid procedure.
Shot by Corey Olsen.
Talk Skin To ME
A multi-part look at the finer points of skincare, shot across the US, and the brand’s first entry into social video on Youtube, with 3.5m aggregate views on a brand new Youtube Channel.
I pitched, wrote, and directed all six episodes across the US in a whirlwind two weeks.
Shot by Marco Andre.